We’re proud to announce the launch of Mastery Coding's Social Emotional Learning Computer Science Competencies.
With principles of psychology and neuroeducation, our course prepares students to become well-adjusted, healthy, and productive members of their learning environments and communities. With the implementation of SEL, your students will improve academic performance, better manage stress and difficulties, develop prosocial behaviors, and mitigate learning loss.
What is the SEL Computer Science Competencies course?

Our Social Emotional Learning course is a series of twenty lessons that teach our computer science and coding students to develop emotional intelligence.
Covering the core competencies of CASEL (The Casel 5), students develop the abilities to:
- Manage and process their emotions and behavior
- Make thoughtful and meaningful choices
- Understand their own values, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
- Create and upkeep diverse, healthy, and supportive relationships.
- Understand others' emotions and behaviors to empathize.
Our course is designed with ease of use in mind. Each lesson consists of a comprehensive lesson plan, an engaging discussion prompt, top-quality slides, and an activity to help students apply their new knowledge. We know that being a teacher takes a lot of preparation time. We designed our SEL curriculum to require minimal training and very little rehearsal to deliver it.
Each lesson within the SEL Computer Science Curriculum is built to seamlessly embed into our coding and technology courses.
Why your students should take SEL courses:
Why SEL?
Social emotional learning is a process in which learners develop more social awareness, healthy communication, self-management, and decision-making skills. When students learn with SEL programs, they build empathy, understand their emotions, and discover how to live more meaningful lives.
Already, research from CASEL has found that the implementation of SEL in the classroom provides a wide array of benefits to students. Some of those benefits include:
- Better academic performance
- Improved classroom behavior
- Better long-term life outcomes
To ensure the best outcome for your students, SEL is imperative.

Why teach SEL in STEM classes?
We know the value of multidisciplinary (and interdisciplinary!) curricula. Exploring many diverse subjects in a single course gives students a holistic understanding of their subject material.
Courses that touch upon multiple subjects can serve as an excellent method for review. Furthermore, students in a holistic educational setting draw connections between their distinct academic subjects. When students receive the opportunity to learn beyond the base standards of a topic, they become more well-rounded academics and workers.
To learn more about the value of emotional intelligence, specifically in the tech and esports industries, check out these blogs:
Why you should use our course:
At Mastery Coding, our Social Emotional Learning course was developed to be integrated directly into our academic coding content. In light of that, it is provided with the purchase of any course! With this addition to our line of computer science courses, game-and-learn camps, and academic esports programs, our curricula are aligned to ESSER funding mandates.
Our course also provides engaging activities and worksheets, thought-provoking questions, and opportunities for teachers to improve the wellness of their students and their entire class culture. Your STEM students, teachers, and classrooms will thrive with Mastery Coding's SEL Computer Science Competencies.
What to expect from SEL Computer Science Competencies:
Are you interested in knowing more? Visit our SEL Course page to explore the concepts covered within our course in depth. You can also contact us to speak with a representative! Learn More.