Ignite interest and engagement in computer science and STEM through the exciting field of esports.
97% of teens play video games
Esports players are more inclined to pursue STEM majors
Over 150 colleges offer esports scholarships
Esports is a billion-dollar industry larger than Hollywood and US sports combined
Career Exploration in Esports
The benefits of esports aren’t just for players; there are plenty of pathways in esports careers beyond being an expert gamer. The USAEL provides career exploration for:
Content Creators
Software Developers and Game Designers
Shoutcasters, Streamers
Business Development and Partnerships
Agents, Lawyers, Player Advocates
Communications Directors, Marketing and Media
Internships in Esports
Thousands of internships opportunities are available for USAEL esports athletes. Here is just a short list of companies that are looking for talent:
Electronic Arts
and others
Scholarships in Esports
The collegiate esports scene is exploding! Over 150 colleges across the country are looking for talented esports athletes and are offering esports scholarships. Some notable examples include:
Hawaii Pacific University
University of California - Irvine
University of Texas at Dallas
Ohio State University
University of Utah
Indiana Tech
Made by educators to transform the next generation
We take an education-first approach to competition, curriculum, and careers.