GamerMath 1

Use today’s most popular video games to boost engagement and math scores. Teach 3-5th grade aligned math concepts with fun video-based curriculum.
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Grade Band:
3-5th Grade
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Course Length:
30 Hours
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Video-Based Lessons
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Earns Certifications
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Capstone Project
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Project Portfolio
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Activity Worksheets
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Slideshow Presenaions
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Self Grading Quizzes


GamerMath™ provides a one-of-a-kind, engaging curriculum that uses gaming and esports as a vehicle for standards-based math instruction. This video-based curriculum ties math concepts like multiplication, fractions, lines and angles to popular video game titles like Pokémon, Madden, Fall Guys and others to put math into a context that students understand.


Upon completing this course, students will be prepared to earn the following industry-recognized certification(s):
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Course Outline

Addition and Subtraction with Lego 2K Drive

Lines and Angles with Madden

Multiplication and Division with Pokemon

Fractions with Fall Guys

Time and Money with Clash Royale

Course Projects

Through a combination of follow-along projects and self-directed activities, students build a unique coding project portfolio demonstrating the skills and knowledge they acquire.
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Hear from Our Teachers

Exceptional Support and Partnership for School Growth

The support is unbelievable. The fact that, from day 1, we have been trained, we have been coached, we have had the ability to have dialogue with [Mastery Coding]. Tremendous partnership, Tremendous opportunity for any school to grow. I recommend using Mastery Coding.
Jim D'Agostino
Executive Director/Co-Principal
Santiago Middle School

Gamer Math teaches Applied Mathematics

One of the biggest challenges math teachers face today is the practical element of math for the students. Most of my students do not see the importance of learning math or learning to apply math in the real world. With Gamer Math, students immediately see how math matters.
Helen Papadopoulos
California Teacher of the Year
Suzanne Middle School