Game Development 1

Game Development I teaches C# coding and game design with the Unity 3D Engine, giving students the skills to build their own games.
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Grade Band:
9-12th Grade
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Course Length:
80 hours
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Video-Based Lessons
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Earns Certifications
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Capstone Project
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Project Portfolio
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Activity Worksheets
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Slideshow Presenaions
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Self Grading Quizzes


Game Development I teaches C# coding and game design with the Unity 3D Engine using a project-based approach. Beginning with little to no coding experience, students build their knowledge of C# and Unity by creating multiple full-featured games combining 3D models, animation, audio files, and scripts. Upon course completion, students will have the ability to create a 3D game from scratch on their own.


Upon completing this course, students will be prepared to earn the following industry-recognized certification(s):
Unity User: Artist
Unity User: Programmer

Course Outline

Introduction to Unity

Introduction to C#

3D Modeling with Blender

Unity Scripting API

2D Game Development

Unity Events and Interactions

Data Structures


Course Projects

Through a combination of follow-along projects and self-directed activities, students build a unique coding project portfolio demonstrating the skills and knowledge they acquire.
Medieval Scene
Students create 5 fully formed 3D models and an image texture in a self guided project to create a Medieval themed scene.
Alchemy Lab
Students create their very own alchemy lab escape rooms complete with a first-person player controller, object interactions, and player objectives.
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Car Game
In this project, students create a driving game where the player controls a car driving around a level built by students, in a frantic dash to collect as many stars as they can before time runs out.
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Castle Attack
Students become familiar with the Unity Scripting API to create a 3D castle attack arcade game reminiscent of Angry Birds.
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Mojave Runner
Students learn how to transfer their knowledge of 3D game development into 2D, and learn some tips and tricks for better program structure and design.
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Physics Fun
Students are introduced to the Unity Physics System and use it to create their own fun physics simulations using high-quality 3D assets.
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Hear from Our Teachers

Comprehensive, Reliable Curriculum Tailored to All Learning Styles

I think it's a great curriculum because teachers need something that works, and we don't have time to troubleshoot software that doesn't function or constantly changes. This curriculum offers an all-around solution: it provides testing, projects, videos, and reading materials for students who may not prefer auditory or visual learning through videos. It covers all types of learners, and that's exactly what teachers need—a complete package ready to go.
Christy Whitfield
Francis Tuttle Technology Center

Exceptional Support and Partnership for School Growth

The support is unbelievable. The fact that, from day 1, we have been trained, we have been coached, we have had the ability to have dialogue with [Mastery Coding]. Tremendous partnership, Tremendous opportunity for any school to grow. I recommend using Mastery Coding.
Jim D'Agostino
Executive Director/Co-Principal
Santiago Middle School

Engaging, Easy-to-Follow Curriculum with Helpful Resources

We were finally able to get Unity on computers today and the kids got started. I absolutely love the curriculum. The video was well made and easy to follow. I printed out the slides from the fabulous PowerPoint file and the kids will appreciate using that as a reference. Love the vocab page. Love the assignment page. Completely in love with the cliffs notes and little GIFs depicting concepts. So impressive.
Megan Pena
Computer Science Teacher
Mainland Regional High School

Students See Greater Success with Mastery Coding

My classes finished a full quarter using [Mastery Coding] curriculum and results were quite impressive. Students were far more successful using your curriculum than the directly using lessons from Unity. We are now moving into Unit 3 and on for last quarter and look forward to next year and second year of your curriculum.
Mark Lerma
Computer Science Teacher
Western High School