Computer Science Foundations

Introduce your students to the world of computer science and prepare them for certifications with our comprehensive, project-based Python course.
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Grade Band:
6-8th Grade
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Course Length:
40 hours
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Video-Based Lessons
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Earns Certifications
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Capstone Project
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Project Portfolio
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Activity Worksheets
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Slideshow Presenaions
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Self Grading Quizzes


Computer Science Foundations is a comprehensive introduction to computer science and programming, designed for middle school and high school students. Through engaging projects and clear, step-by-step guidance, students will learn to code in Python while exploring the exciting world of computer science.


Upon completing this course, students will be prepared to earn the following industry-recognized certification(s):
PCEP Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer
Certiport IT Specialist - Python
ICT Programming and Logic Essentials

Course Outline

What is Code?

What is Data?

What is a Program?

What is Computer Science?

Course Projects

Through a combination of follow-along projects and self-directed activities, students build a unique coding project portfolio demonstrating the skills and knowledge they acquire.
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Hear from Our Teachers

Curriculum to Prepare Students for the Digital Age

We live in a digital world, our kids are fully engrained into it, [so] why not make it available and why not grow with them? The students are enjoying the curriculum and it is providing what they need to learn.
Carmen Crosse
Asst. Superintendent of Schools
Socorro ISD