Computer Science Essentials

Equip students with a basic understanding of computers needed to be successful and safe in today’s technological world.
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Grade Band:
3-5th Grade
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Course Length:
30 Hours
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Video-Based Lessons
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Earns Certifications
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Capstone Project
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Project Portfolio
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Activity Worksheets
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Slideshow Presenaions
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Self Grading Quizzes


Computer Science Essentials blends unplugged learning with block-based programming, computational thinking, and core digital citizenship principles so students can learn the essential introductory computer science knowledge they need to be successful and safe in today’s changing world. This course is aligned to ISTE standards, utilizes a 5E lesson plan design, and builds skills students need to be successful in higher-level coding courses.


Upon completing this course, students will be prepared to earn the following industry-recognized certification(s):
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Course Outline

Hardware & Software

Computational Thinking


The Internet

Cyber Safety

Digital Citizenship

Careers in Technology

Course Projects

Through a combination of follow-along projects and self-directed activities, students build a unique coding project portfolio demonstrating the skills and knowledge they acquire.
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Hear from Our Teachers

Exceptional Support and Partnership for School Growth

The support is unbelievable. The fact that, from day 1, we have been trained, we have been coached, we have had the ability to have dialogue with [Mastery Coding]. Tremendous partnership, Tremendous opportunity for any school to grow. I recommend using Mastery Coding.
Jim D'Agostino
Executive Director/Co-Principal
Santiago Middle School